macOS Catalina 10.15 cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified

   |   1 minute read   |   Using 116 words

Due to the update of the permission system and the default system shell from bash to zsh in macOS Catalina 10.15, it was found that starting MongoDB from the command line was not working as before.

After running the command, an error message was directly reported: “Developer cannot be verified”, as shown in the figure below:

macOS Catalina Photoanalysisd

Solution: Open System Preferences and go to Security & Privacy, click on Allow Anyway on the right side of the red rectangle at the bottom to resolve the issue.

macOS Catalina Photoanalysisd

In addition, since the default shell has been changed, the previous bash history is also gone. You can directly copy the previous history into zsh:

cp ~/.bash_profile ~/.zsh_profile
cp ~/.bash_history ~/.zsh_profile

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