手把手教你5分钟注册一个美国区Apple ID,2019年5月亲测

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最近很多网友都表示自己需要一个美区Apple ID或其他国家地区的Apple ID,其中的原因不外乎可以下载一些国内不能下载的App或者游戏,比
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How to resolve the svn: Checksum mismatch while updating issue

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Under the warning directory, right click the mouse and select TortoiseSVN -> Update to revision… like below: Select Only this item first and then Fully recursive as bellow will resolve the svn checksum issue:

Contact US

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You can contact us with email: [email protected]


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macOS & Xcode 由于iOS系统的特殊性,要实现自动打包的前提是你得有一台运行macOS的苹果电脑,至于是白苹果还是黑苹果都无所谓。 这里我们使用macO
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How to send a JSON data to the server with curl post

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Just use the -H and –data params when you request: curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://ww.googleapis.com/***' --data '{"token":"[CUSTOM_TOKEN]","otherKey":"otherValue"}'

iOS Review Reject

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ERROR ITMS-90096: Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 ERROR ITMS-90096: “Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image referenced in the Info.plist under UILaunchImages with a UILaunchImageSize value set to {320, 568}. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle,
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Phalcon Autocomplete for ZendStudio 13.6

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Since Phalcon is a module that is loaded in memory and always available, there is no way for an IDE such as ZendStudio to interrogate the sources of the framework and offer autocomplete features for namespaces, classes, methods etc. To work around this issue, the Phalcon team has been generating IDS stubs that can be used with such IDEs. You can now find these stubs in Packagist: https://packagist.org/packages/phalcon/ide-stubs Git for example Clone the Phalcon IDE Stubs repository in any location of your choosing.
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APNs - iOS Remote Push Notification Tool for macOS

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OwnProvider - A simple macOS tool application for Apple’s Developer to test Apple Push Notification Service(APNs) Developers can push remote notification from their macOS without a server end. Features: Based on the Apple’s newest .p8 certificate. Based on JWT authentication. Communicating with APNs via HTTP2 Protocol. Push message to Development/Production environment with the same .p8 certificate. Custom JSON payloads. Your can install from Mac App Store by search the “OwnProvider”:


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PhoneCell is a popular iOS app for CPU & Memory & Storage Usage tracks the battery level and storage space of your device and display the graph with battery level and storage space you have used. The graph and the estimates are displayed in the Today View of the Notification Center as well as in the app. The Widget in the Today View is not displayed by default. You will have to add it with a few simple steps.
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Fetus Movent - 胎动计数器

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Baby is a born count down and kicks monitor. The easy and fast way to count down baby born and baby quickening(fetus movement) monitor. Wow! Mom Let’s be ready for your baby.
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