OwnProvider - APNs Provider苹果开发者消息推送测试工具终于支持中文了

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macOS & APNs Provider OwnProvider是一款专为苹果开发者提供的消息推送测试工具。方便开发者快速进行消息推送测试,开发者即使没有自己的后端服务器也可
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如何解决pod update或pod install时出现Cocoapods CDN Error 错误

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Cocoapods 1.8.5执行pod update或者pod install时报错如下: Update all pods Updating local specs repositories [!] CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CocoaPods/Specs/master/Specs/ Response: 400 解决办法: 按照官方文档 podfile
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macOS Catalina 10.15 have not enough disk warning when install Xcode 11

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macOS Catalina 10.15 cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified

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由于macOS Catalina 10.15更新了权限系统及默认的系统shell由bash更改为zsh了,发现之前从命令行启动MongoDB不好使了。 运行命令
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如何解决升级macOS Catalina 10.15后CPU占用率过高,磁盘发热的问题

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今天把系统升级到了macOS Catalina 10.15,发现用着用着磁盘就会高热一会儿,风扇也呼呼的转了起来。即使关闭所有打开的应用也会出现这个情况,猜测
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The true reason of lycamobile message blocking is active

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LycaMobile Official:Pay-As-You-Go service is not available for new customers or plan customers even after plans expire and are not recharged. Since 06/06/2019 the message “blocking is active” will be received after you send a message with Lycamobile. The true reason of why you get this message is because PAYG has been canceled by Lycamobile. How to resolve this issue? Buy Lycamobile’s plan Go to Lycamobile site and choose a plan is the only way to resolve this problem.
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英国皇家邮政Royal Mail小包物流查询

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在经历了10天的等待后终于收到了Piranha-Mobile从英国寄来的挂号信,这里记录下Royal Mail提供的邮寄服务类型和中间经过的几
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美国Apple ID分享, 共享一个美国Apple ID,2019年6月更新

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免费福利来啦! 不喜欢折腾的小伙伴也可以快速登录美国App Store了,最近打算分享几个美区Apple ID方便大家下载PUBG Mobile等美
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LycaMobile发送短信提示 Free Msg: Unable to send message - Message Blocking is active 问题已解决

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注意:2019年06月06亲测发现lycamobile已经全面停止0月租(Pay AS You Go)计划了,跟客服确认的结果是如果不够买它们的套餐则无
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